
Excuse the Instagram screen shot, but this is the only picture I have that captures the essential moment of the week: MEETING MY HOST FAMILY!

The morning we were leaving the hotel, everyone was excited. We were finally going to be able to put our Thai to use. I rehearsed my lines over and over (in Thai) “My name is Emily, I am from America, I have three sisters, my dog’s name is Tilly, I like spicy food...” my teacher (aajan) told me I was ready. I felt ready, too. We ate our last meal at the hotel (which was the hotel’s attempt at mashed potatoes special for us), loaded our stuff on the bus, and headed to meet our families at the Don Chedi hub. When the busses pulled in, my heart skipped a beat. Alright Em, phase 2 of training, here we go.

We got out, sat down across the aisle from the host families, and endured an excruciatingly long opening ceremony. No one was paying attention to the speakers because we were just too excited to see who got who.

When it was finally over, names began getting called. One by one, trainees were meeting their families. In my head I’m going “my name is Emily, I am from America, holy sh*t is this really happening? I like spicy food..”

Then: “Emily Maginnis!”

I jumped up, grabbed my bags, and walked in the direction they showed me. I was led to this beautiful older woman and her daughter. As soon as I sat down with them, poof! My Thai speech is gone.

I start sweating and panicking. I keep smiling and saying “sorry sorry, I only speak a little Thai!” And I’m so embarrassed. Then, suddenly, the older woman, my host mom, puts her hand on my knee. This surprised me, because I was told Thai people are not touchy people. She said “Jai-yen-yen. Kun na-rak.” Calm down. You are so cute.

After that, the tension subsided. I found out my host sister is fluent in English, which helps a lot. They already treat me like they have known me forever. The make sure I put on sunscreen and bug spray, that I have at LEAST three bananas for snack (that they grow in their backyard), and that I know where I’m going.

I hasn’t even been two days since living here and I already know it is going to be impossible to leave them. They’re my new home ❤️


  1. You made me cry. We are so happy for you! Tell your Thai family a HUGE thank you from your American family for taking such good care of you!!!


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